Monday, July 28, 2014

Learn how to melt gold powder and get button

This is article about melting gold powder to get gold bullion, or in most cases gold button. In this example we will show you how to make gold button, and gold bullion you can make the same way, just need mold and efficient amount of gold to melt into that mold.

Gold melts when it reaches a bit less than 1100 degrees Celsius. Because of that you need a dish which will not melt with gold.

To reach high temperature you can use acetylene torch. Point torch flame around gold powder and wait until it becomes to melt. For better results add a bit of boric acid powder on the beginning, and a bit after gold has started to melt.

This is a bit dangerous work so be careful and make sure to wear protective goggles.

When you have melt gold powder it is time to make gold button. How to do that? Gold button is simple to make.

Just pour your molten gold into cold water and wait it to harden.

Here are some videos on which shows how to make your first gold button.

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